3 Tips to Create an Elevated Workspace at Home.
Strong Wi-Fi connection?
Define “strong”.
Organized work station?
And no, the ironing board standing desk does not count.
With interruptions throughout the day, working from home can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. One of the keys to successfully getting work done at home is having a comfortable, designated work station. For those of you who don’t have an organized workspace, it’s hard to deny those distractions disrupt productivity.
By following these three easy tips, you’ll be able to create a productive and uplifting setup at home. {Cue the Spotify playlist of soothing study instrumentals}
TIP 1:
Unless you’re a Michelin Star chef, remove your work station from the kitchen. I repeat— remove your laptop from those counters.
This tip is simple. Get off of your kitchen counter.
Most of us cannot start working until our work space is in order and visible chores are tended to. Is there anything worse than preparing for your morning kickoff and seeing dishes in the sink or unpacked groceries? Not to mention the temptation of eating at every glance of the refrigerator.
If your laptop is currently resting beside your third bowl of lunch, set up shop elsewhere. The kitchen is the heart of a home, a personal space where people "live” “laugh” and even “love”. You should enjoy and nourish yourself at those counters.
Hell’s Kitchen?
TIP 2:
Mark your territory.
Scope out your home for a place to call your own. Sure, it’s tricky to imagine a nonexistent desk in an already inhabited room. You’re creating an office out of thin air but don’t let the setup stop you. This designated work zone will be your station to focus. Create boundaries for others to respect. Stake a claim. Mark your territory.
Yes, you’re limited to the spare space that you have but that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck if a spare bedroom isn’t lying around. Get creative. Find a cozy corner for a simple desk. Unused square footage in a room can be transformed into a makeshift office. Heck, you can even pack your desk away each night. It doesn’t have to be large, just near a power outlet. And if it’s possible in your home, remember the power of natural light when creating this new workspace. It’s not only easier on your eyes but it’ll lift your mood.
TIP 3:
Elevate your work day.
Ok, you’ve chosen a space at home where you can work freely. Now let’s imagine what your ideal setup will look like. It won’t be the office you’re used to but it should remain just as comfortable and convenient. From there you can have fun with it.
Surroundings are proven to effect a person’s mood and productivity. Corporations in recent years {hashtag pre Covid} have invested in office renovations to drive talent interest and employee satisfaction. These costs were justified by studies that support that very link. Upgrades to corporate offices like trendy collaborative workspaces, comfortable funky lounge areas, and amazing kitchen facilities are just a few ways companies have elevated work stations to boost employee concentration and creativity.
Let’s apply this same concept to your home setup. This is your opportunity to create a workspace that attracts and inspires you. Bring your style into this space. It will make all of the difference when you need to dedicate yourself for a few hours to a project or task.
In the example below we’re using a 4’ x 4’ space in a bedroom as our new work station. You’ll notice it has access to a power outlet and exposure to a bit of natural light. For the desk we pulled an existing quartzite console table from our apartment’s entry way. You can also invest in a new durable table base then have a stone desk top fabricated— you’d be surprised but custom projects of this size are fairly inexpensive as they only require a small remnant piece. We then found a chair to match. Set our boundaries with a rug and inserted our style with accessories.
These few enhancements have not only stayed within budget but created a welcoming and elevated space at home that I enjoy working from.
In short, create a workspace that you love— you might be there a while.
To learn more about fabricating a stone desk top for your home, you can reach our team here or visit our showroom and remnant stone yard located at 296 Freeport Street in Boston.
With over 35 years of experience, Adamo Stone Design can work with you to stay within budget while infusing your fresh ideas and style into your space.